District Profile

1 Geographical Area (th. ha) 501.327
2 Forest area (th.ha)
Net cultivation area (th. ha)
3 Kharif (th.ha)
Rabi (th.ha)
Zaid (th.ha)
4 Cropping intensity (%) 501.327
5 Soil types :
Raker (th.ha)
Kaber (th.ha)
Mar (th.ha)

6 Total irrigation (th.ha) 237.211
7 Canal length (km) 1236
8 Tube wells :

9 No. of villages 839
10 Nyay Panchayat 65
11 Gram Sabha 437
12 Tehsil 5
13 Block 8
14 Govt. seed stores 11
15 Plant protection units 9
16 Cooperative seed and fertilizer societies 62
17 Population (2011) 1998603
18 Sex ratio 890
19 Literacy (%) 65.27
20 Density 398
21 Bidhan Sabha seat Jhansi, Babina, Mauranipur, Garautha
22 Lok sabha seat Jhansi-Lalitpur
23 Main Rivers Betwa, Dhasan, Pahuj
24 Dams Pahuj, Parichha, Dogri, Baruasagar, Sukwan-Dukuwan
25 Av. Rainfall (mm)
Av. Max. temp. (C)
Av. Min. temp.(C)


Major farming systems/enterprises (based on the analysis made by the KVK)


S.N. Farming system/enterprise
1 AES – 1 (Rakar irrigated/ rainfed) important farming systems are: Groundnut - Wheat + few plants of local guava + cow / buffalo (3 - 4) is the farming system popular with resource rich farmers and groundnut - wheat/gram/linseed + cow (local 6 - 8 animals) is The farming system popular with resource poor farmers.
2 AES - 2 (Parwa irrigated / rain fed) the farming systems are: groundnut - wheat / brinjal + goat / buffalo ( 3 - 4) animals with resource rich farmers and groundnut - wheat + cow / goat ( 6 - 8) animals with resource poor Farmers.
3 AES - 3 (Kabar irrigated / rainfed) Resource rich farmers follow soybean / paddy - wheat / pea + cow / graded buffalo (3 - 4) and resource poor farmers follow paddy – Wheat / gram + cow (6 - 8) farming system.
4 AES - 4 (Mar irrigated / rainfed) Resource rich farmers follow - soybean / urd - mustard / gram + cow / graded buffalo and resource poor farmers follow paddy-mustard + gram + cow / graded buffalo / goat (6 - 8) animals farming system.
5 AES - 5 (Totally rainfed) The farmers with or without resources keep their land fallow in kharif and cultivate wheat / gram / linseed / lentil in rabi. They mostly rear goat and sheep but do not have options for horticulture. Most of them earn from wages.


Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography)


S.N. Agro-Climatic Zone Characteristics
1 AES – 1 Raker Irrigated / Rainfed
2 AES – 2 Parwa irrigated / Rainfed
3 AES – 3 Kabar irrigated / Rainfed
4 AES – 4 Mar irrigated / Rainfed
5 AES – 5 Totally Rainfed


Soil Types


S.N. Soil Types Characteristics Area in ha
1 Rakar Coarse & gravelly texture, reddish to brownish in colour. Depth varies from few inches to about two feet with parent rock. The productivity of soil is poor. 45.58 (13.68)*
2 Parwa Loam to sandy in texture. Colour varies gray to brownish and deep red to reddish gray. Medium depth (40-75cm). These soils are although poor in organic matter but quite productive. 181.21 (53.35)
3 Kabar Coarse grained in texture. & black in colour. These soils are deep & parent rock lies at greater depth. These soils retain sufficient moisture, which on drying cracks & small fissure develop. 45.58 (13.68)
4 Mar Soils are black in colour, fine texture & considerable deep. These soils are prone to great extent of swelling and contracting during wet & period. Poor physical conditions due to their peculiar characteristics & behavior towards moisture. 60.77 (18.24)

Figure. In parenthesis denotes the percentage of total area.


Area, Production and Productivity of major crops cultivated in the district


S.N. Crop Area (ha) Production (Qtl) Productivity (Qtl /ha)
1 Wheat 1, 56091 3, 34532 27.84
2 Gram 60,810 68517 11.27
3 Pea 44782 78503 17.53
4 Lentil 23871 1882 7.91
5 Mustard 7780 6371 8.19
6 Lin seed 1309 787 6.01
7 Maize 1219 1256 10.30
8 Jowar 1559 3003 19.26
9 Urd 49821 27462 5.51
10 Moong 5854 2915 4.98
11 Til 1, 06791 23067 2.16
12 Groundnut 22107 22813 9.81
13 Rice 10042 19893 19.81
14 Soyabeen 1395 1973 14.14


Weather data 2014-15


Month Rainfall (mm) Temperature C
April, 14 16.4 Maximum : 36.6
Minimum : 20.8
May, 14 8.4 Maximum : 41.9
Minimum : 25.8
June,14 56.0 Maximum : 40.8
Minimum : 29.4
July,14 170.2 Maximum : 33.4
Minimum : 24.3
Aug.,14 79.6 Maximum : 30.1
Minimum : 23.6
Sept.,14 156.2 Maximum : 32.2
Minimum : 24.0
Oct.,14   Maximum : 33.1
Minimum : 21.0
Nov.,14   Maximum : 29.4
Minimum : 14.3
Dec.,14 21.0 Maximum : 24.8
Minimum : 10.1
Jan.,15 21.6 Maximum : 21.4
Minimum : 6.7
Feb.,15 24.0 Maximum : 23.7
Minimum : 9.2
March,15 5.0 Maximum : 32.2
Minimum : 13.6


Production and productivity of livestock, Poultry, Fisheries etc. in the district


Category Population Production Productivity
Indigenous 3,11,801 56,944 mt. 1.99 kg
Buffalo 1,87,387 70,547 mt. 3.23 kg
Indigenous 10,54,116 55,974 mt wool 0.96 kg
Goats 2,18,818 18,182 mt 0.66 kg
Pigs 0,14,004    
Hens 1,87,146 65,051 Lacs eggs 149.4 eggs/ bird/yr
Turkey and others      
Inland 13000 (ha) 672q/ month 16.66 q/ ha.